Scott Bright Offers Transparency to Colorado District 13 if Elected for Senate

Are you tired of Democrat politicians running the State of Colorado without public exposure to what they’re doing? Well, we think it’s common sense that voters, taxpayers, and, citizens in general, know what their legislators are doing. Alas, this belief is not held by all elected officials. We just saw Governor Jared Polis (D) and […]

Scott Bright Wins Republican Nomination for State Senate!

Can you believe it’s less than seven months until Election Day? We’re excited, and we know you are too. We can build a brighter future for Colorado with strong, conservative leadership that reduces property taxes, protects the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR), protects Colorado citizens by locking up dangerous criminals, reduces the cost of living, […]

Scott Bright Endorses Congressional Term Limits!

No more career politicians! We need term limits for members of Congress, just like we have term limits for our own Colorado Legislature. This week, Scott signed a U.S. Term Limits pledge to support a U.S. Constitutional amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress.  Scott Bright and Term-Limit Reform A wide majority of […]

Senate District 13 Assembly

Senate District 13 Assembly – Time & Location The assembly to decide who makes the SD 13 ballot takes place at the Fort Lupton Recreation Center on the evening of April 4th, 2024. We expect it to start at 7:30 p.m. or whenever the House 48 Assembly finishes. Delegate check-in starts at 5:30 p.m. The […]

Upcoming Caucuses on March 9

Now that the Republican caucuses are almost upon us, it’s time to support the next generation of conservatives and achieve tangible results. This includes Colorado Senate candidate, Scott Bright, seeking election to District 13, a newer district, serving citizens of Weld and Adams counties. Therefore, we invite you to vote and participate in the caucus […]